Mission, Vision, Values
       Program Outcomes
        Advisement & Counseling
        Meet our Staff

Statement on Diversity and Inclusion

Elizabethtown Community Hospital is committed to fostering an inclusive learning environment that facilitates and supports student success. We believe that our campus is enriched and strengthened by diversity along a range of different dimensions. The various perspectives that stem from the multifaceted identities and experiences of our campus community are invaluable assets in the classroom that bring complexity and nuance to the process of critical thinking as well as intellectual and personal growth. We are all vital in promoting and cultivating a culture of respect that honors and affirms the rights, safety, dignity, and worth of every individual.

Harassment and Hazing Policy

Elizabethtown Community Hospital Paramedic Program has a zero-tolerance policy against harassment. We take this very seriously. We are committed to providing an educational environment free from discrimination and harassment. Harassment of any individual based on sex, race, religion, national origin, handicap, age, or sexual orientation is forbidden. Anyone who believes they have been subjected to such harassment should immediately report it through the complaint procedure outlined in this manual.

Sexual Harassement Policy

Elizabethtown Community Hospital Paramedic Program has a zero-tolerance policy against sexual harassment. We take this very seriously. Anyone who believes they have been subjected to such harassment should immediately report it through the complaint procedure outlined in this manual. Sexual Harassment may include:

  • Verbal harassment or abuse
  • Subtle pressure for sexual activities
  • Touching, patting, or pinching
  • Leering at a person’s body
  • Requests for sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats concerning one’s job, performance evaluation, promotion, or course grades

Sexual harassment, or harassment of any kind, will not be tolerated. Individuals accused of harassing behavior will be subject to disciplinary action including employment termination or enrollment.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."


HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-191). HIPAA calls for changes in healthcare transactions and administrative information systems. All healthcare organizations and healthcare personnel are required to follow the HIPAA laws. All students must always comply with HIPAA regulations and follow these regulations during all Clinical or Field internship rotations.


It is the policy of Elizabethtown Community Hospital Paramedic Program and the EMS Programs to provide equal opportunities, free of discrimination, for its students and employees. Accordingly, Elizabethtown Community Hospital Paramedic Program applies the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to all its policies, procedures, or practices.

Attendance Policy

Experience demonstrates that regular attendance enhances academic success. Students are expected to attend each meeting of their registered courses, whether taught online or in the traditional classroom setting.  Participation in classroom activities such as lectures, films, guest speakers, class discussions, labs, group activities, and online work contributes to student success in college level coursework. 

It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor of an anticipated absence ahead of time.  The instructor may require students to document their absence.  Students are responsible for making up any missed work, as allowed by the instructor’s syllabus and/or course outline.

Non-Discrimation Policy

Elizabethtown Community Hospital Paramedic Program in accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended and all other New York State and Federal Laws, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, age, sexual orientation, or handicap in any of its policies, procedures, or practices.

Grading Policy

Elizabethtown Community Hospital Paramedic Program (ECHPP) will publish a syllabus for each course in which the specifics for that class are detailed, In general the program requires a minimum of C or 73% in all courses to complete the semesters work. Failure of any class, in any semester, will result in the student's failure of the paramedic program, and the student would be required to start the program over in its entirety.

Students will have regular and unrestricted access to grades via the Learning Management System (LMS). Students will be able to track clinical progress freely. Students are responsible for their academic progress. Staff will make efforts to keep grades updated and accurate. Any discrepancy should be directed to the lead instructor of the course.

Grading Scale:


93 – 100


73 – 76.99


90 - 92.99


70 – 72.99


87 - 89.99


67 – 69.99


83 – 86.99


63 – 66.99


80 – 82.99


60 – 62.99


77 – 79.99


Less than 59.99